Validate Email Id Using Web Serivces

To Verified the Specified Email ID , use ValidateEmail.asmx Id Web - Services
Steps are :
1) Create a Demo Web Application(TestEmail Id).

2) Take Textbox (txtEmaildId) and Button( btnCheck) and Label (lblStatus ) from ToolBox on Demo.aspx
3) Now, Right Click on Your Solution, Click on Add Web-Referneces

4) Paste this URL on Pop-up Window

5) Click on Add References Button
6) Write the following code on click Event of button(btnCheck)
net.webservicex.www.ValidateEmail a = new net.webservicex.www.ValidateEmail();
bool result=a.IsValidEmail("txtEmaildId.Text");
if (bool == true)
lblstatus.Text = "Valid Email Id";
lblstatus.Text = "Invalid Valid Email Id";


8) Run the Application and check status of Label
9) Insert email id say , then check status
10 Now Insert email id existing Email Id , then check status

Enjoy Valid Email Id Code Using Web-Services


  1. Gr8 dude...this is really gud blog.... maja aala..! ese code k to kide hai hum..! [;)]

  2. Shubhnak

    This is a good tool to validate email addresses in .net:


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