Delete Duplicate Records from table which does not have primary Key

Hello friends
Greetings !

I will share an interesting Query that Delete records from table which doesn't have any Key (primary Key,Unique Key ).

Step 1 : Create a table named as empName
run the following query
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[emp](
[empId] [int] ,
[empName] [nvarchar](max) NULL

Step 2 : Insert records into the table empName

INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (1,'Shubhank')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (2,'Viru')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (3,'Shubhank')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (4,'Maths')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (5,'Shubhank')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (6,'Shubhank')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (7,'Denis')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (8,'Gates')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (9,'Linux')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (10,'Shubhank')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (11,'Gary')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (12,'Rajkishan')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (13,'Shubhank')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (14,'Rajiv')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (15,'Mak')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (16,'Gary')
INSERT INTO [emp] VALUES (17,'Raj')

step 3: Now in that table there are so many duplicated records of name 'Shubhank' having 6 records , and there is no primary key ,
then how can you delete only two records having with name 'shubhank' out of six.

Step 4 : Here is the Query run it

DELETE TOP(2) from emp Where
empName LIKE 'Shubhank%'

Step 5 : Now run the Query
empName LIKE 'Shubhank%'

you will get four in result set.

Shubhank Upadhyay


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