SQL Interview Questions

SQL Interview Questions

Q. Display names of all salesperson whose customers are john?
Q. Display names of all salesperson whose customers are not john?
Q. Insert  those records into a table highvale(name,age) from saleperson whose salary is 2000 or greater than ?
Q.  Display name of customer who have 2 or more order ?
Q. Display name of saleperson who have maximum amt in orders ?
Q. Display name of saleperson,total of amt  who have maximum amt in orders ?
Q.  Display 3rd highest salary of salesperson (Assume there are 1000 records in salesperson table).
Q. Difference between Delete and Truncate ?
Q.  Select substr(‘shubh’,2) from dual ? Is this Query will run ? yes /No .If not then what will be correct Query ?
Q.  Select Round(2.75,2) from dual, Select  trunc(2.75,2) from dual ? what will be output ?
Q.Difference between CAST and Convert ? (note : both function may be or may be not in your database.So try it at your end?
Q. Difference between sub-Query and Correlated Query ?
Q. Explain transaction ? Hint -ACID
Q. Explain triggers,Procedures ? What is magic tables ?
Q. Suppose there are 10,000 stored procedures  ? How you find out which one out of 10,000 stored procedures taking too much time for executing ?

Shubhank Upadhyay
'Google will give u SYNTAX !
'But U will give CONCEPTS Which no One Have'


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